New Student Orientation
Posted by
OSLD Staff
on Wednesday, August 27, 2008
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New Student Orientation was held on Monday and Tuesday, August 25 and 26, 2008. The successful event was attended by over 1400 students and over 500 parents and family members. This is the largest number of attendees that I have seen. On Tuesday we were forced to use every available seat in the auditorium. This is a great way to start the year.
Kristin Skarie was the featured speaker both days. There were separate programs for the new students and for their families. Students met with faculty and were introduced to the college by the Student Orientation Guides. Parents met with the President, the Provost, the VP for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management and several other representatives from various offices.
SGA Dinner with Kristin Skarie
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OSLD Staff
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Student Government members hosted a dinner with Kristin Skarie, motivational speaker and leadership trainer on Monday night. Krisitin is part of the Teamworks group and was in New York to present at City Tech New Student Orientation
The students had a very enjoyable conversation with Kristin. Some of the topics included how college student compared throughout the world (she recently traveled to South Africa), the exciting opportunity that the SGA has by being able to work with such a diverse group of students, leadership tips, characteristics of campus politics and how it applies to the world of work and how she started her business.
A highlight for me was when she asked the question "How do you define success?" I think it left all of participates thinking about their personal definitions of success.
Almost Ready for Orientation
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OSLD Staff
student life
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New Student Orientation Prep Work
Posted by
OSLD Staff
on Tuesday, August 19, 2008
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Today was the first work day for a group of great new Orientation Guides. Some are returning and some are brand new and they are all excited. I am excited to have such a great group to work with. Today the guides worked from 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. preparing information packets for new students. They successfully stuffed 2000 information folders and backpacks. It was a very productive day.
Here are a couple quick pictures from the day.
It's Back To School Time
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OSLD Staff
student life
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After what seemed like a very short summer we are in full swing for the fall academic year. Students do not start classes until Wednesday, August 27 however we are preparing for New Student Orientation, Club Re-certification, and fall programs. Welcome back.